Class Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to Room 18
We hope you had an enjoyable break with your families and that students are refreshed and ready to begin lots of new learning.

Just a few reminders: 

  • Ardtornish is a nut aware school and as we do have students with severe allergies please ensure that no products containing nuts are sent to school.
  • Hats are to be worn for all outdoor activities during Term 1. 
  • Diaries can be covered but all other books will be covered at school.
  • Please provide an Art Smock.
  • Students are required to bring only fresh fruit/vegetables for Brain Break.
  • It would be appreciated if each student could provide a box of tissues for the class to share.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.   

Kind regards
Rachael Agaciak